Digicel targets US company with lawsuit and enlists Haitian police
O’Brien-owned telecoms firm enlists Haitian police to investigate alleged fraud Mark Paul Mon, Feb 23, 2015, 01:15First published:Mon, Feb 23, 2015, 01:15Digicel, the Caribbean mobile phone company...
View ArticleBahamas Told to Improve Conditions at Center Housing Haitian Immigrants
An international human rights commission has told the Bahamas that it must take measures to protect people housed at the country’s detention center for immigrants, where a “serious and urgent...
View ArticleMarriott Port-au-Prince Hotel Opens in Haiti
• February, 25 2015The new Marriott Port-au-Prince Haiti Marriott Hotel today checked in its first guests. Among the 200 new Haitian hotel workers who welcomed them were young people from...
View ArticleHaiti: Why tourists are returning to this misunderstood country
Rain lashed the tropical forest and thundered off the cobblestone track. A group of four of us had been embroiled in an animated discussion with a posse of local horsemen for the past...
Le 7 avril dernier je suis resté à l’affut, en quête d’information concernant les activités commémoratives du 212 ème anniversaire de la mort dans le Jura du gouverneur, général TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE....
View ArticleArcade Fire Opening Haitian Restaurant in Montreal
Win Butler and Régine Chassagne will launch Agrikol this summer with celebrated Toronto restaurateursBy Jon Blistein May 7, 2015Read Arcade Fire's Win Butler and Régine Chassagne are opening a new...
View ArticleSyracuse University graduate student plans to return to Haiti to help fix...
Jackin Alix Bien-Aime was on the eighth floor of the tallest building in Haitiwhen a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck in January 2010.The earthquake hit at 4:53 p.m., and Bien-Aime spent about the next...
View ArticleUN struggles to stem new rise in Haiti cholera cases
United Nations (United States) (AFP) - A deadly cholera epidemic in Haiti that experts say was introduced by UN peacekeepers from Nepal is on the rise, with hundreds of new cases registered weekly, a...
View ArticleIs it time for France to pay its real debt to Haiti?
Is it time for France to pay its real debt to Haiti?In 1791, the slaves of France's most profitable Caribbean colony, Saint Domingue, revolted. The uprising was kindled by the appalling exploitation...
View ArticleHaiti First Lady’s Senate candidacy rejected
BY JACQUELINE CHARLESjcharles@MiamiHerald.comHaitian first lady Sophia Martelly’s hopes of a political career in Haiti’s Senate may have been dashed.Several sources including a local Port-au-Prince...
View ArticleFrench President Hollande pledges Haiti investment
The French president has pledged investment to Haiti, but steered clear of the reparations some in the former colony are demanding from Paris.In the capital Port-au-Prince, Francois Hollande said...
View ArticleAdams: Haiti’s future need not look like its past
BY JACQUELINE CHARLESjcharles@MiamiHerald.comTen months after Haiti’s devastating Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake, Thomas Adams was plucked out of retirement by then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...
Discours de réception de Dany LaferrièreLe 28 mai 2015Dany LAFERRIÈREDISCOURS DE M. Dany LAFERRIÈRE———M. Dany LAFERRIÈRE, ayant été élu à l’Académie française à la place laissée vacante par la mort de...
View ArticleRéponse au discours de réception de Dany Laferrière....RÉPONSE DE M. Amin...
Le 28 mai 2015 Monsieur, Les terres d’Amérique d’où vous venez, Monsieur, nous les chérissons depuis toujours dans cette Compagnie, comme dans ce pays. Nouvelle-France, Saint-Domingue, Québec, Canada,...
View Article98% de la couverture végétale d'Haïti a disparu
Sciences et Avenir avec AFPPar Sciences et Avenir avec AFPPublié le 07-09-2015 Rose Marie (d) nettoie des carottes dans une mare dans le parc national de La Visite à Seguin, dans la commune de...
View ArticleHaïti ou le rêve d'un nouvel âge d'or
Le rapprochement entre Cuba et les États-Unis a fait naître d’autres espoirs, ailleurs : Haïti regarde avec attention les changements qui se dessinent et rêve d'attirer les touristes.Même si Haïti...
View ArticleOver 100,000 IDs ready to deliver to Haitian immigrants: Gov.
Santo Domingo.- The Interior and Police Ministry on Friday said it has over 100,000 ID cards and stamped passports ready to deliver to the mostly Haitian immigrants who qualified for the government...
View ArticleHaitian Party to Withdraw From Election
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — A leading political party in Haiti announced Tuesday that it was pulling out of next month’s legislative elections, saying it was the primary victim of violence in the first...
View ArticlePaul Haggis' quest for Peace and Justice in Haiti
Five years ago, Canadian director Paul Haggis read an Italian article about a man named Father Rick Frechette. Frechette, an American, arrived in Haiti some 20 years previous for theological reasons...
View ArticleHaití saca ventaja ante Granada y se perfila como rival de Costa Rica en...
La Selección de Hiatí venció 1-3 a Granada y dio el primer paso para meterse en las cuadrangulares de Concacaf rumbo al Mundial de Rusia 2018.Jean-Ecudes Maurice (27'), Mechack Jerome (39') y Duckens...
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